Spring Break 1999

    In 1999 I went with the outdoor program at UTK out west for Spring Break. We went to southern Utah for five days where we saw Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon National Park. Then we went to Las Vegas for a day and a half. We actually went to four states: Utah, Nevada, Arizona and California. There's 70 pictures on these pages. There are several groups of pictures taken from the same spot to get a panoramic view, but unfortunately they didn't match up too well when I tried to put them together. Clicking on a picture will bring up a full size version.

Day 1 Set 1 Zion National Park      Day 1 Set 2 Zion National Park
Day 2 Zion National Park, Kolob Area
Day 3 Set 1 Bryce National Park      Day 3 Set 2 Bryce National Park
Day 3 Set 3 Bryce National Park      Day 3 Set 4 Bryce National Park
Day 4 Zion National Park
Day 5 Zion National Park - Kolob Arch Hike
Day 6 and 7 Hoover Dam, Las Vegas and California

Links to Infomation About the Parks
(GORP's pages have a lot of info about the parks including hikes, enviroment and geology.)
GORP's Zion Page
GORP's Bryce Canyon Page
NPS - Zion Park
NPS -Bryce Canyon
Maps of the Parks