We drove down to Atlanta then flew to Las Vegas, then drove up to Zion. Here is the entrance to Zion Canyon and to the town of Springdale.
| Approaching the park.
| Approaching the park.
| Group Picture at the Zion National Park entrance sign
| After getting to the park we drove toward the east entrance. Here are some of the switchbacks on Mt. Carmel Highway which goes to the east entrance.
| One of Several Windows on the Mt.Carmel Highway Tunnel.
| The Great Arch
After setting up camp we drove up the Zion Canyon Scenic Drive and did a couple hikes. The first was a short one to Weeping Rock. Here's a picutre looking Down the Canyon from Weeping Rock
| Waterfall just of the Zion Canyon Scenic Drive past Weeping Rock
| Climbers doing a big wall climb.
| The Virgin River and the Bottom of Zion Canyon
| The Virgin River and the bottom of the Zion Canyon. The base of the Great White Throne is in the background.